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What Is Bioresonance Therapy?

Balanced woman who knows what bioresonance therapy is

Your body’s energy is unique to you. Your genetics, lifestyle, environment, and more play a role in the healthy vibration of your body’s energetic systems. Understanding your body’s specific needs through a bioresonance scan may be just the information you need to enhance your individual wellness. But first, let’s answer the question, “what is bioresonance therapy?”

Understanding Bioresonance

Bioresonance is a holistic approach to wellness with its foundation in the body’s natural energetic vibration. The body, its organs, cells, tissues, and systems all have an energetic frequency. Stressed systems will have a different frequency than unstressed systems, just as healthy cells will have a different vibrational frequency than unhealthy cells.

Everyone’s energy signature is different. Energies will be influenced by individual genetics, nutritional, and environmental factors. The focus of bioresonance pays careful attention to the vibrational frequency of the body’s systems. The goal of the bioenergetic approach is to restore unhealthy systems and cells to their healthy, natural frequency, which may lead to improved wellness.

Testing Your Bioresonance

Hair in a bun to test what bioresonance therapy is

Bioresonance therapy is becoming more popular amongst holistic and alternative health communities. It is a therapy which is extremely personalized to the individual. A holistic wellness journey which includes bioresonance begins with a bioresonance scan. The type of bioresonance scan you choose will depend on the type of symptoms you’re experiencing. To begin, you may find it best to run a full scan so you can understand your energetic system’s performance, hormonal and nutritional imbalances, food and environmental sensitivities, resonating toxins, and more.

Bioresonance testing is non-invasive. It is easily performed by submitting a hair or saliva sample. Your samples will be bioenergetically analyzed for stress to your body’s systems and more. Plus, they hold the energy of the resonating toxins you’ve been exposed to, which may provide valuable information when working to restore your body’s energetic balance. You can test your bioresonance once, or you can track your progress with repeated monthly testing. The choice is entirely up to you.

Your Bioresonance Results

Before you can begin to incorporate a bioenergetic approach, based on your scan, you will need to understand the results of your scan. Results from bioresonance companies generally take roughly a week and the report will be extremely robust in revealing your body’s energetic systems’ performance. The results will reveal minor stressors on your systems, as well as chronic weaknesses of your systems. You will also learn about your bioenergetic sensitivities to food, bioenergetic imbalances in hormones, deficiencies in nutrition, any energetic matches to resonating toxins, and more.

It’s important to remember that bioresonance therapy is not the same, nor is it a replacement for Western medical diagnostic tools. This means you cannot interpret the information in your scan as you would other medical testing. The information from a bioresonance scan is valuable information you can use to help guide you through holistic health decisions to strengthen your body and re-establish balance. This is why it is important to work with a holistic health practitioner trained in bioresonance.

Holistic Health Practitioners

holistic health herbs for what is bioresonance therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a homeopathic supportive therapy which holistic health practitioners may use to help identify their client’s stressed systems, restore balance, and eliminate the problematic areas impacting your overall wellness. Working with a holistic practitioner trained in bioresonance will give you the opportunity to ask questions and come to understand the results of your scan.

Building a relationship with your holistic health practitioner will further refine your bioenergetic approach. The information shared between you and your practitioner can help them understand nutritional changes and supplements which may help restore the body’s balance from within.

Choosing a Bioresonance Practitioner

Bioresonance therapy is often facilitated by a holistic health practitioner. Holistic and homeopathic practitioners are trained in whole-body health. Their approach is complementary to traditional medical doctors, but is not a replacement for medical care. The focus of holistic and homeopathic practitioners is an individual approach to overall wellness.

Holistic health practitioners approach wellness, or even an illness, by understanding the whole person, which includes their history, their habits, and their environment. A bioenergetic approach is a detailed and unique addition to a holistic practitioner’s services. A skilled holistic health practitioner will have been properly trained to understand what bioresonance therapy is, and understand how to properly weave nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments to effectively create positive, healthy change in their client’s life.

Ready to Get Started With Bioresonance?

You can get started with bioresonance now by ordering the scan kit that is right for you. If you don’t have a holistic practitioner to help you understand your scan’s unique results, that’s OK. You can book a 30, 60, or 90 minute homeopathic consultation with a CBH Energetics practitioner to get started. CBH Energetics can also help connect you to a homeopathic practitioner near you who understands the bioenergetic approach to holistic wellness.

Book your discovery call with CBH Energetics today. It is our goal to help you get back to life in a balanced and energized way.