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Are You Wondering if Bioenergetic Testing is Real?

Man crossing fingers behind back wondering if bioenergetic testing is real

Is bioenergetic testing is real or not?

Whatever you think, it has garnered significant attention in recent years. Proponents of this approach to health tout it as revolutionary, while others claim bioresonance testing is a hoax. Gathering as much information as possible is always wise if you are considering bioenergetic testing with CBH Energetics or any other wellness endeavor.

Information, combined with your own goals and experience, can help you make an informed decision. Hearing someone else’s experience using bioenergetics is also helpful!  This post will tackle the concept of bioenergetic analysis and help you decide if bioenergetic testing is real. We’ll also illuminate bioresonance testing, its purported benefits, potential pitfalls, and the scientific controversy surrounding it. 

When assessing any wellness test, keeping the idea or definition of wellness in mind might be helpful. This statement from Wilfred Laurier University encompasses the 7 Dimensions of Wellness:

Wellness is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is not a passive or static state but rather a dynamic and conscious development of the whole self. Wellness is associated with intentions, choices, and actions leading toward an optimal state of well-being so that instead of surviving, you’re thriving. Wellness is commonly viewed as having seven dimensions: mental, physical, social, financial, spiritual, environmental, and vocational.

Other concepts of the dimensions of wellness include the 8th Dimension of Occupational Wellness. Occupational wellness, related to feeling satisfaction within your job or career, is part of your overall well-being. If you have ever been in a career or job where you feel disconnected or unaligned, your Occupational Wellness scale would have been low. Some of our affiliates have full-time jobs unrelated to the wellness industry. Their passion lies within the wellness industry, and having like-minded connections keeps them motivated and their Occupational Wellness high!

We are reminded of this every day when we connect with someone in our affiliate practitioner community of holistic health professionals. 

Graphic of a group of women networking on purple background

If you are asking if bioenergetic testing is real, you might also want to ask if bioenergetic wellness is real. We like to think of bioenergetic wellness as the 9th Dimension of Wellness!

The concept of bioenergetic wellness lies in the energetic body that everyone possesses. This concept has roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine and encompasses 3 layers:

The Surface Layer. The energy of this layer lies in the fluid of our connective tissue. It is also called the ordinary channel system or meridian system. From a Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) perspective, it “functions in the service of immunosurveillance through detection of distress signals and transmitting energy-information regarding immunoresponse. (1)

The Middle Layer. This is your bone tissue, which comprises part of the Locomotor System in our Bioenergetic Testing data. It is also known as the extraordinary channel system in TCM. This layer is related to longevity and regeneration

The Deepest Layer. This is your nervous system tissue. Within this is the vagus nerve and spinal column. This layer serves to awaken consciousness and immortality. 

The Canadian Association of Bioenergetic Wellness describes bioenergetic wellness as a compilation of techniques to balance your body, mind, and emotions. Releasing emotional blocks and balancing the body’s energy through herbal and homeopathic remedies are part of a bioenergetic approach at CBH Energetics.

To dig into the basis of bioenergetic testing and wellness, we are going to look at concepts like biofield physiology and the human biofield. 

circle graph showing the layers of bioenergetic wellness

What is Bioenergetic Testing?

Bioenergetic testing can be categorized under the broader concept of biofield physiology. This is an overall term for “the electromagnetic, biophotonic, and other types of spatially distributed fields that living systems generate and respond to as integral aspects of cellular, tissue, and whole organism self-regulation and organization.” (2)

In short, biofield physiology connects our energy fields (both electrical and magnetic) to our health and wellness. These energy fields may be attributed to all life forms. Let’s look at some examples.

We know that heart and brain cells emit energy. This is why we assess bioenergetic points in relation to the Cardiovascular System and the Nervous System. We measure the energy coming from these cells through electrical and magnetic fields. We do this through healthcare testing such as electroencephalography (EEG) or electrocardiography (ECG) (3).

Bioenergetic testing is a different form of testing that still measures subtle energy from the body. This type of measurement is derived from biofield physiology. Biofield physiology pulls evidence of biofields from disciplines such as cell biology and biophysics. It looks at how these fields of energy, which emanate from all living things, shift regulatory systems in the body. It also looks at how a shift in this human biofield can influence the physiological processes that are happening within.

We also look to quantum physics to help categorize bioenergetics. CalTech states, “Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level.” This means looking at the very small workings of atoms and the transfer of energy. 

From this perspective, bioenergetics is valid. It also serves as evidence to say that, yes, bioenergetic testing is real!

Bioenergetics uses testing equipment that looks at subtle energy shifts in the body that create stress and potential symptoms. 

This leads us to bioenergetic medicine, defined as “the manipulation of bioenergetic fluxes to positively affect health” (4). CBH Energetics does not practice medicine, diagnose or treat any disease. Bioenergetic testing from CBH Energetics analyses energy emanating from hair and saliva samples in the form of vibration. Some call it frequency, as we measure in Hertz. The energy that deviates from a benchmark hertz value is categorized as less stress or more stress, depending on the deviation value. 

You don’t even have to leave your home to do the test! 

The energy makes patterns that encompass the human biofield. This biofield is based on collective energy emanating from each person, as each cell (and human or pet) has its own energetic vibration. The energetic vibration comes from the electronic charge within our molecules. 

If you try to search for peer-reviewed studies or randomized controlled trials on bioenergetic testing, you will not find many. You will find articles relating to the single word of bioenergetics. 

This term refers to the energy created inside a cell in relation to the mitochondria that reside in the cell itself. Mitochondria have been classically described as the powerhouse of the cell. One of their simple roles is to make energy. Bioenergetics could be included in the energetic assessment of mitochondria, the origin of cellular respiration or energy (5).

Building on the principles of cellular energy, the emerging field of bioenergetic testing takes a broader view, targeting not just mitochondria but the wider network of cellular energy pathways. By manipulating these pathways through natural interventions like homeopathic and herbal remedies, practitioners aim to restore balance and optimize health.

This type of testing is also known as bioenergetic analysis. It is a holistic approach that measures the energy flow within an individual’s body, emanating as collective energy from cells within organ systems. It is based on the theory that disruptions in these energy flows cause dysfunction.

Bioenergetic testing is partially rooted in the concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which posits that life force, or ‘Qi,’ circulates throughout the body. Disruptions or blockages in the flow of Qi are believed to result in imbalances in the body. Bioenergetic testing aims to identify these disruptions and provide customized solutions to restore balance.

The electrodermal testing device is one of the most familiar in the holistic health space. This device measures the body’s electrical resistance at various acupuncture points. Changes in resistance are interpreted as indicators of energy imbalances. This is typically used in an office with a client, whereas other types of testing, like our hair and saliva sample testing, are sent in to be tested remotely. 

Want to go deeper into the workings of bioenergetics? Read the blog post: Bioenergetic Testing: What is it and How May it Help You?

A woman touching her throat and thyroid area. Text Overlay that reads: Bioenergetic Testing: What Is It and How May It Help You?

So … is Bioenergetics Testing Real?

Bioenergetic testing has been met with skepticism and controversy within the scientific community despite its commitment and even observational evidence in achieving positive outcomes for clients and their health goals. We need to remember that bioresonance testing is very different from Western medical tests. Western medical tests, such as blood panels, are important for health and diagnostic measures, but bioresonance testing is not a diagnostic tool. 

Advocates of bioenergetic testing have seen the wealth of insights into an individual’s health, offering a holistic view of the body’s functioning that frequently aligns with their client’s results obtained from Western testing. Naysayers say there is no way bioenergetic testing is real.  

This accusation could stem from the simple fact that bioenergetic testing lacks formal studies to prove its validity. There are many claims of inaccuracy in energy testing in general. Energy work or muscle testing is currently not well-studied. For studies to be carried out, there would need to be large-scale interest, funding, and investors to produce a long-term analysis of test subjects, along with tight controls to eliminate variables as best as possible.

There are always variables in research. 

Long-term randomized controlled trials and peer-reviewed studies are lacking in many areas of holistic health, including bioenergetics and even herbal medicine. 

We have been asked if CBH Energetics has conducted specific, controlled, and reviewed studies comparing our scans to other tests. An example would be our Brain Scan compared to neurological tests. To date, CBH Energetics has not performed formal studies. Company-produced papers and studies like these leave too much room for internal bias and would not seem genuine to our clients, in our opinion.

While many companies, including supplement companies, carry out third-party testing on products, these studies are criticized by peers and the public alike because they are conducted by the very companies that produce the products.

They are viewed as sales tactics and marketing strategies, not science. Validity might come into question when a company conducts its own studies. That is not to say that a company that spends money on research is trying to sway you. Many companies invest heavily in research to make sure they are offering a valid and tested product.

It’s just that research can be used both ways. 

This is why we have not conducted our own studies on the testing itself or compared bioenergetics to other types of testing, like bloodwork.

Many of our affiliate practitioners use bioenergetics alongside bloodwork to compare testing outcomes and have found great accuracy. For example, we have had clients with clinically low iron also test bioenergetically imbalanced for iron. We have also seen bacteria and parasites bioenergetically match to Western stool testing. 

We have had many clients who have had blood labs done, mycotoxin tests, and SIBO testing, and found that the results are similar, if not exact. 

CBH believes in Western testing and advocates this approach with all clients. Perhaps the skepticism towards bioenergetics arises when someone is looking for a modality to replace Western testing.

Energy testing in the form of bioenergetics does not do this.

It is an adjunctive partnership that supports the body through analysis of body tissue such as hair and saliva and applications of homeopathic and herbal remedies. It is all about shifting the energy within from a physical and emotional place. 

Whether you say yes or no to “Is bioenergetics real?” might depend on your belief system and mindset.

  • Do you believe there is more than meets the eye to health?
  • Are you ready to explore a concept that is not completely studied with the scientific method?
  • Are you open to the newer concepts emerging in the wellness space?
  • Is your desire for health extending to the ancient ways of wellness?

At the end of any decision, any wellness test you take must reflect your mindset, beliefs, and budget. It needs to relate to your concerns, both from your physical body and from the benefits, emotionally.

Perhaps the question isn’t “Is bioenergetics real?”

It may be, “Is bioenergetics real for me?”

Want to understand more about health and bioenergetics? Visit our YouTube channel to understand our process.  

CTA CBH Enegetics Brain Scan


DISCLAIMER: Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics and any parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related entities and companies do not provide medical advice or services. This post and the bioenergetic products and services offered by Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics including, but not limited to, bioenergetic tests, bioenergetic scans, bioenergetic reports and related products and services (collectively the “Bioenergetic Products and Services”) are designed for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, condition, complaint, illness or medical condition and are not a substitute for professional services or medical advice. Testing is not used for the purpose of obtaining information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of disease or the assessment of a health condition or for identification purposes.