Eight Revealing Bioenergetic Scanning Tests
That May Help You Understand Why You Feel the Way You Feel
Our bodies are composed of multiple interdependent systems; if one system is out of balance, it can affect them all. Bioresonance scanning can help you understand these systems, giving insight into why you feel the way you feel. Non-invasive bioresonance testing can be used to measure energetic environmental and food sensitivities, hormonal and nutritional imbalances, and levels of bioenergetic stress. Armed with these holistic tests, you are empowered to make changes to impact your health positively.
Discover more on each of our scans below to find what works best for you and your health.
Full Scan
The Full Scan is our broadest and most all-inclusive scan available. Our bioresonance scanning provides a wide range of insights, including levels of bioenergetic stress within your system performance, nutritional and hormonal imbalances, general categories of resonating toxins, food and environmental sensitivity, and a list of custom-tested balancing remedies.
Sensitivity Scan
The Sensitivity Scan is designed to help hone in on specific bioenergetic environmental and food sensitivities. We perform bioresonance scanning on your hair and saliva samples against nearly 350 potential environmental and food sensitivities.
Balancing Scan
The Balancing Scan is a form of holistic test that determines bioenergetic hormonal and nutritional imbalances, general category of resonating toxins, and a list of custom-tested natural remedies that may include herbs and nutritionals.
Dietary Scan
The Dietary Scan uses bioresonance testing to target potential issues with diet and environmental irritants. It’s ideal for health-conscious individuals and uses a digitized style of nutrition response testing on their bioenergetic health, including approximately 350 resonating food and environmental sensitivities, as well as any energetic imbalances in key vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and fatty acids.
Remedy Scan
The Remedy Scan uses bioresonance scanning to take the guesswork out of choosing remedies by examining exactly what remedies best balance with your hair and saliva. This may consist of herbs, holistic remedies, and nutritional supplements. The benefit of this scan is to keep costs down between Full Scans and continue on a balancing regimen.
Prenatal Scan
The Prenatal Scan provides expecting mothers with information on their bioenergetic health and nutritional response, including approximately 350 resonating food and environmental sensitivities, as well as any energetic imbalances in key vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and fatty acids.
Awareness Scan
In the same way our bioresonance scanning can determine physical stressors and imbalances throughout the body, we can also determine resonating emotional imbalances and factors revolving around them. The Awareness Scan does bioresonance testing for emotions, colors, gems, essential oils, key nutrients, and polychrests, providing a customized infused remedy to purchase to address these imbalances.
Brain Scan
For in-depth insights into your brain health, cognitive function, and neurological stressors, choose our targeted Brain Scan. This comprehensive scan provides a detailed overview of the brain’s bioenergetic health and includes a custom-tested regimen to support mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive wellness.
How it Works
- Take a test
- Order a scan
- Collect a hair and saliva sample with our test kit
- Send the test kit back with the included return envelope
- Get your results
- After completing your scan, you become a CBH Energetics client. Now, you can:
- Order therapeutic-grade remedies from the CBH Energetics store
- Book a call with one of our practitioners to learn more about your results, remedies, and your lifestyle habits so that we can support you make changes.
- Our practitioners will explain how your findings impact the bioenergetic stressors in your 14 systems
- Link your bioenergetic food and environmental sensitivities to energetic toxins
- Deepen your understanding your nutritional imbalances
- Learn more about the energetic hormones on your scan and how they relate to systems and overall stress.
- Understand our balancing remedies and how they fit into your findings
- Schedule and order your test to rescan and see your changes
Scan Subscriptions
Save 10% Off All Bioresonance Scanning & Remedies for Those Who Use Bioresonance Testing Regularly
You can cancel at any time with no fee; you will only owe the full price of each service received. Learn more in our FAQ.
Can I choose multiple scans for a more comprehensive understanding of my health?
Absolutely! Many clients undergo multiple alternative tests for a fuller picture of their health. Each scan provides unique insights into different aspects of your bioenergetic health. These insights help you identify and address specific stressors or imbalances.
Depending on your goals, you might find value in beginning with the Full Scan followed by targeted assessments. This holistic approach to bioresonance scanning empowers you to make the most beneficial changes to support your wellness journey.
Are there specific preparations I need to make before my bioresonance scan?
It’s best to avoid non-essential supplements and medications three days before collecting your samples to ensure accurate, uninterrupted results from your bioresonance scan. These preparations help eliminate any masking effects the drugs may have on your bioenergetic testing results.
Additionally, make sure to follow the sample collection guidelines closely. Proper preparation will enhance the test’s effectiveness and provide more relevant insights into your bioenergetic health.
How does bioresonance scanning differ from traditional testing methods?
Bioresonance testing diverges from traditional testing methods by focusing on energetic patterns rather than physical symptoms alone. Traditional testing often relies on diagnosing specific conditions.
On the other hand, alternative tests examine the subtle energy fields within the body. They reveal imbalances and stress sources that may go unnoticed otherwise. This holistic approach can guide you toward suitable holistic remedies for optimal health.
What should I expect after completing a bioresonance scan?
After completing the bioresonance scan, you’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing your energetic imbalances and resonating patterns. This report includes valuable information about necessary remedies and nutritional adjustments tailored to your unique needs for achieving holistic balance.
After bioresonance scanning, you can consult with our bioenergetic practitioners to better understand your results and receive personalized guidance on implementing effective changes in your daily life.
Not sure where to start?
Schedule a holistic consultation with one of our practitioners to learn more about our process and determine a path that’s right for you.
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Looking for ways to better serve your clients on their health and wellness journey? Become a CBH Energetics affiliate to connect with our team of experts and access turn-key solutions to add bioresonance scanning to your practice. When you join our holistic health affiliate program, you gain access to:
- Private label options for bioresonance testing
- Bulk discounts on all scans
- Scan First and Pay Later program, charging you only after scans are processed
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- Regular webinars
- And more
Learn more about our holistic health affiliate program. Need more information before you apply? Contact us to get connected with our team and discover how to become an affiliate today.