What is infertility?
Infertility is the inability to conceive over a period of one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. A number of couples are struggling with infertility. In fact, according to the CDC, about 12% of women, ages 15-44, are experiencing infertility issues.
Potential Causes of Infertility
Causes of infertility included but are not limited to poor nutrition, stress, thyroid issues, toxicity in the body, excessive or too little exercise, obesity, hormonal imbalances, STDs, and medical conditions.
What Can You Do?
Foods to Eat
1. Organic Foods
2. Foods High in Omega 3s- fish (wild caught)
3. Foods High in Vitamin C- ex. citrus fruits, kiwi, kale, red pepper
4. Foods High in Vitamin E- almonds, spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados, sunflower seeds5. Foods Hight in Folate (Folic Acid)- leafy veggies, citrus fruits, legumes
6. Cruciferous Foods- broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower
7. Foods Containing Zinc- pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds (for male reproduction)
What to Avoid
1. Processed Meats
2. Conventional Foods (Sprayed with Pesticides, etc.)
3. Grains
4. Refined Sugar
5. Caffeine
6. Alcohol
7. Smoking
8. Drugs
Supplements to Consider Taking
1. Prenatal Vitamin- full of vitamins & minerals that are not just essential for pregnancy but for pre-pregnancy too
2. Vitamin C- can improve the health of sperm
3. Vitamin E- great for balancing hormones
4. B-Complex- helps with balancing estrogen levels
5. Fish Oil- improves the health of the uterus, regulates hormones, improves ovulation
6. Evening Primrose- contains GLA to improve fertility, take on days 1-14 of menstrual cycle
7. Chasteberry- improves estrogen & progesterone levels (do not take during pregnancy)
8. Progesterone Cream- increase progesterone levels, stop taking after third month of pregnancy
Other Things to Consider
1. Decrease Stress- stress can create hormonal imbalances
2. Sleep- at least 8 hours each night to keep hormones in check
3. Moderate Exercise- surge (burst) training and/or weight training are both excellent, avoid excessive long cardio workouts, too much or too little exercise can disrupt hormones
4. Visit the Chiropractor- misalignment can affect our nerves which in turn can affect our hormones
Are you struggling with infertility? Contact Balanced Health at 612-812-9121 or email us at info@creatingbalancedhealth.com