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How to Support Chronic Skin Conditions Naturally

Picture of womans neck with rash, title is how to support ski condtions naturally

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How to Support Chronic Skin Conditions Naturally

Living with chronic skin conditions can be a difficult experience. Not only do these conditions cause physical discomfort and pain, but they can also take a toll on our mental and emotional well-being. In this post, we will explore the different types of chronic skin conditions, their impact on our lives, and how a holistic approach might provide relief and address the root causes of these issues.

Whether you’re struggling with eczema, psoriasis, acne, or other dermatological issues, we can equip you with the knowledge and resources to start supporting your skin health, today.

Support Chronic Skin Conditions: The Types We Have

Chronic skin conditions encompass a wide range of issues that can vary in severity and duration. These conditions not only affect our physical appearance but can also have significant social and psychological consequences. Some of the most common chronic skin conditions include:

  • atopic dermatitis (eczema)
  • acne
  • rosacea
  • psoriasis
  • urticaria or hives (these can be acute or chronic)
  • bug bites
  • bruises
  • topical steroid withdrawal
  • tinea versicolor
  • athlete’s foot

We all experience temporary skin rashes in our lives, and these are the ACUTE rashes, like a bug bite, or poison ivy. Chronic skin problems are persistent and often require specialized treatment. We’d like to point out that acute rashes, like the bullseye rash from a tick bite, can lead to chronic conditions like Lyme Disease. 

Support Chronic Skin Conditions & Support Overall Well Being

Having a chronic skin condition goes beyond the physical symptoms. A condition like acne vulgaris  can have a profound impact on our overall quality of life, causing embarrassment, social anxiety, and even depression (1). 

The discomfort and pain associated with conditions like acne vulgaris, can disrupt many different organ systems, and affect our self-esteem and self-confidence. Conversely, a holistic approach looks at the stress of an organ or organ system, to see if it is a contributing factor in the skin condition itself!

Examples of organ systems that link to the skin are:

  • Digestive System
  • Nervous System
  • Liver/gallbladder

The skin, or what we call the Integumentary System, has its own microbiome, and pH. This can also play a role in chronic skin conditions.

Our goal is to support better skin health, by looking at the body as a whole, and addressing imbalances in body systems while creating balanced health. Including the emotional body as part of a body system, is part of our holistic approach to support chronic skin conditions.

Conventional vs. Functional Approaches to Support Chronic Skin Conditions

Conventional medical treatments to support chronic skin conditions often focus on managing the symptoms. Antibiotics, topical steroid medications, and other pharmaceutical treatments may provide temporary relief, but might not always provide long-lasting benefits. Additionally, these treatments may come with side effects and fail to address the root causes of the condition.

Holistic health offers a different approach to treating chronic skin conditions. Instead of solely focusing on the skin as the main symptom, holistic health practitioners consider the skin as a reflection of imbalances in other body systems. By addressing these imbalances, the need for conventional medical treatments can be minimized or even eliminated.

Even if you are using a prescribed topical or oral medication, there is still a lot of support you can give your skin, naturally.

One of the main things you can do is slowly switch over your skin products to non toxic self care items.


Identify the Root Cause to Support Chronic Skin Conditions

CBH Energetics analyzes hair and saliva with a holistic view to approach creating balanced health, and recognizing the interconnectedness of our body systems, hormones, lifestyle, and diet. To support chronic skin conditions, our own practitioners, and our affiliates, act as detectives, seeking to understand the underlying factors contributing to the issue. This involves a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s health history, diet, lifestyle, and CBH Energetics test results to identify patterns and potential triggers.

By delving deeper into these aspects, holistic practitioners can uncover potential root causes such as food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, gut health issues, environmental factors, and stress. Understanding the root of this issue is crucial for developing an effective roadmap to support chronic skin conditions.

Personalized Holistic Approaches to Support Chronic Skin Conditions

One of the key advantages of a holistic approach, like Bioenergetic Testing,  is the creation of personalized steps to take, that fit each individual. Unlike one-size-fits-all approaches, holistic practitioners recognize that each individual is unique and requires tailored interventions. During a consultation with one of our practitioners, you can expect a thorough discussion about your health questionnaire, what you are experiencing, and your goals!

You will explore various lifestyle biohacking that align with your specific needs and goals. These options may include dietary tweaks, lifestyle modifications, stress management techniques, targeted supplementation, and other interventions. The goal is to develop a comprehensive roadmap to support the root of your skin issues and supports your overall well-being.

While addressing the root of chronic skin issues is essential, making lifestyle changes can also have a significant impact on your skin health. Diet, in particular, plays a crucial role in many dermatological conditions. For example, research has shown links between high glycemic index diets (high in sugar) and the worsening of acne. Similarly, dairy products have been associated with increased prevalence of acne.

By adopting a whole-food, nutrient-dense diet and eliminating potential trigger foods, you can support your skin’s health from within. Incorporating regular physical activity, managing stress levels, getting quality sleep, and practicing good skincare habits can also contribute to overall skin health.

The Journey to Improved Skin Health

Embarking on a journey towards improved skin health requires patience and commitment. It is important to remember that healing is a gradual process, and results may vary from person to person. By working closely with a Functional Medicine practitioner or a health coach, you can gain a deeper understanding of your skin and develop a personalized plan that addresses the root causes.

With the guidance and support of these healthcare professionals, you can implement lifestyle changes, incorporate targeted interventions, and monitor your progress along the way. Over time, you may experience improvements in your skin health, as well as enhanced overall well-being.


Chronic skin conditions can significantly impact our lives, causing physical discomfort, emotional distress, and a loss of self-confidence. However, with a Functional Medicine approach, there is hope for long-lasting relief. By addressing the root causes of these issues and developing personalized plans, individuals can take control of their skin health and improve their overall well-being. Through lifestyle changes, targeted interventions, and the support of healthcare professionals, the journey to support chronic skin conditions becomes an empowering and transformative experience. Remember, you don’t have to face your skin condition alone – there are resources and solutions available to help you on your path to healthier, happier skin.



DISCLAIMER: Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics and any parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related entities and companies do not provide medical advice or services. This post, as well as the bioenergetic products and services offered by Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics including, but not limited to, bioenergetic tests, bioenergetic scans, bioenergetic reports and related products and services (collectively the “Bioenergetic Products and Services”) are designed for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, condition, complaint, illness or medical condition and are not a substitute for professional services or medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other government agencies or regulatory authorities. Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics is not responsible for third-party interpretation, recommendation or advice or for any third-party interpreting or providing recommendations or advice related to Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics or Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics Bioenergetic Products and Services. Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics does not recommend, endorse or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any specific tests, products, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, or health care providers.