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Do I Need a Fertility Cleanse? What is a Fertility Detox?

Picture of a fried egg with spoons pointing toward it to represent sperm and egg in fertility detox

Would a fertility cleanse or fertility detox be a logical addition to your pre conception routine?

Let’s back the fertility cleanse topic up a bit. Do you have a preconception routine?

According to the article here, by Scientific American, overall sperm count and testosterone levels are on the decline, infertility is on the rise, along with erectile dysfunction and even testicular cancer.

What is the driver of these facts? For one, endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Other factors include:

  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS
  • Low sperm counts (this is why it’s important to support male fertility/couples as well)
  • Other environmental factors or illness (mumps)
  • STD’s
  • Ovulation disorders

Another contributor to infertility: STRESS.

When there is stress, the body works on its desire for safety and survival, not the act of procreation. The Nervous System can show stress, as well as the Digestive System, and hormonal balances can occur. Stress (which is a really broad term) affects the entire body, not just fertility.

The path to conception can sometimes feel so complex. This is a personal journey with one end goal in mind: conception. Yet, along the way, we are supporting a healthy couple, a healthy baby, and a healthy pregnancy.

If you are on a journey to possible parenthood, you may have come across the term “fertility cleanse” or “fertility detox”.

But what are they exactly?

Should I start a fertility cleanse right now?

Before we help you decide if this is for you, let’s define this term. A fertility cleanse is a natural method intended to detoxify the body and improve reproductive health. It is believed that by flushing out toxins, you can enhance your fertility and increase your chances of conception.

The concept of a fertility cleanse is rooted in the age-old philosophy that the body sometimes needs assistance to expel harmful substances. Many experts in the wellness space feel that just as we clean our homes and maintain our cars, we should also cleanse our bodies. CBH Energetics also stands behind this philosophy, as it will play a role in creating balanced health BEFORE pregnancy happens.

The idea is to create the optimal environment for conception, pregnancy, and even post-partum healing.

As with any health-related topic, the idea of a fertility cleanse is not without controversy. Some health professionals are skeptical of their benefits, while others insist on their efficacy.

Our article aims to provide a comprehensive overview and help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Fertility: The Basics

Before delving into the nuances of fertility cleanses, it is essential to understand what fertility means.

Fertility refers to the natural ability to conceive and bear children. It depends on several factors, noted above, including healthy sperm in men and regular ovulation and unblocked fallopian tubes in women. Regular ovulation is a deep topic, and requires a deep look into the phases of the menstrual cycle and how the Nervous System works in a feedback loop to balance hormones.

Infertility is the opposite. The definition is the inability to naturally conceive. The American Pregnancy Association states that infertility affects 10 to 15% of couples across the United States.

Age, lifestyle, and overall health and stress resilience also significantly impact fertility. This is why our practitioners spend time discussing stress resilience and the Nervous System on consultation calls, and in our Practitioner Certification Course.

The human reproductive system is a delicate balance of hormones and physiological processes. Any disruption in this balance, such as hormonal imbalances, structural abnormalities, or underlying health conditions, can affect fertility. Therefore, maintaining optimal health and wellness is crucial for fertility.

One of the basics of fertility is to understand your monthly cycle and it’s four phases. Understanding the hormones involved in this are helpful as well. Hormones like Follicle Stimulating Hormone or FSH stimulate growth of the eggs inside the ovaries, while Luteinizing Hormone triggers the release of the egg that’s most ripe. That’s just part of the process! Cervical mucous, timing, sperm count and motility all play a role in fertility.

We bioenergetically scan your hair and saliva for energetic hormonal imbalances with our Full  and Balancing Scans, while our Prenatal Scan focuses on energetic nutritional imbalances and sensitivities. These are all supportive of a couple’s journey to conception.

View a sample report here.

It’s important to note that experiencing difficulty in conceiving doesn’t automatically mean you’re infertile. Many couples experience challenges when trying to conceive, and it’s often due to temporary issues that can be resolved with lifestyle changes, stress support, and even medical intervention.

Always consult with a healthcare provider if you have concerns about your fertility, or any health issue.

The Idea Behind Fertility Cleanses

The premise of a fertility cleanse is to remove toxins from the body that may inhibit fertility. Toxins can disrupt hormones, both directly and indirectly. General cleanses might involve a specific diet, some herbs, maybe even some lifestyle changes. The premise behind this is to support the body’s natural detoxification processes, balance hormones, and promote optimal reproductive health.

Will these general practices “balance” hormones?

Hormones are complex. Some are come from the Nervous System directly, like norepinephrine and epinephrine, and some come from the Endocrine System, like Calcitonin, or Melatonin. There are different organs of the Endocrine System. like the Pancreas that produces insulin. There are many tactics and factors that balance hormones.

The body has its own detoxification system involving the liver, kidneys, the lungs, the lymph, and the digestive system. Even a general fertility cleanses that included whole foods, some diet tweaks, making sure there is no constipation or diarrhea, and incorporating stress reduction practices, can support the body in overall fertility. A healthy diet helps with digestion and liver detoxification,  the Digestive System, along with feeding the gut microbiome. This is a very important part of overall wellness and fertility. It is also helpful for a new baby’s developing microbiome.

Exposure to environmental toxins, processed foods, and stress—can overwhelm this all body systems, and a balanced body is more fertile. A fertility cleanse can give your body an extra boost and help create an optimal environment for conception. Diet is important in the fertility of a couple, as both men and women will benefit from an overall healthy diet to support detoxification and stress reduction (1). 

At CBH Energetics we do not diagnose, treat, or give medical advice. We do suggest that approaching this method with caution is always important! A general detox that relies on fad diets may be depleting, not detoxing.

Any fertility cleanse should be started at least three months or more prior to attempting conception. This will alleviate any potential stress the body may go under, when detoxing from specific toxins like mold or tick borne energetic toxins.


Pros and Cons: Do I Need a Fertility Cleanse?

Like any health-related decision, whether or not to do a fertility cleanse is a personal one. There are potential benefits and downsides to consider.

On the plus side, a fertility cleanse often involves eating a healthier diet, reducing stress, and cutting out harmful substances like alcohol and caffeine. When using a bioenergetic scanning process like CBH Energetics Full Scan or Prenatal Scan, you will be targeting specific energetic imbalances of the body.

An example may be Folate (which people also call folic acid) which may show up imbalanced in a nutritional profile. This can affect neural tube defects, and is important for ALL detox processes of the body.

Furthermore, the process of doing a cleanse can create a sense of empowerment and control, which can be beneficial during the often stressful journey of trying to conceive.

So, what are the potential downsides?

First, there are many reasons for infertility including PCOS, endometriosis, amenorrhea (loss of period), perimenopause and physical concerns like anatomy of the fallopian tubes. Some things are not in our control, and focusing on a fertility cleanse, while you are also focusing on management of a clinical condition may just be too stressful and overwhelming.

Second, approaching a cleanse with an all or nothing mindset about lifestyle can be counterproductive. Obsessing over getting things *perfect* causes more of that stress, and we go right back to affecting that Nervous/Endocrine System feedback loop and link.

Stress does not help hormones that make a baby.

Finally, fertility cleanses can be depleting, and costly, if you are guessing at your supplements, toxins, nutrients and lifestyle choices.

Myths About Fertility Detox or Fertility Cleanses

There are many myths surrounding fertility detox.

  1. A fertility cleanse can “reset” your fertility or guarantee conception. While a healthier lifestyle can enhance fertility, it’s important to remember that many factors affect fertility, and any cleanse is not a cure-all solution. Our bodies are more than their wonderful chemical and physical processes. They are a combination of genetics and emotions as well.
  2. It will *fix* a physical condition. Another common myth is that fertility cleanses can unblock fallopian tubes or cure underlying health conditions affecting fertility. This is not accurate. If you have a diagnosed fertility issue, your healthcare provider’s advice is important.
    CBH Energetics was created as both an adjunctive approach to health, as well as an alternative. Our lifestyle suggestions and remedies can be tailored (most of the time) to partner with your allopathic healthcare.
  3. It’s for women only. Lastly, there’s a misconception that fertility cleanses are only for women. Not so! Men’s health is very important  for conception, and factors like diet, lifestyle, and exposure to toxins can affect sperm health. Therefore, if you choose to do a fertility cleanse, it’s something both partners can consider.

Tips for Natural Fertility Enhancement

If you’re considering a fertility cleanse or just want to improve your fertility naturally, here are some tips.

First, eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats, if these balance with your digestion, and overall health. There is sufficient evidence in the Mediterranean Diet to support preconception, and fertility. It contains many foods that are liver protective and that support overall detoxification processes (2).

There are many essential nutrients for reproductive health.

Second, manage stress.

We see stress show up in the Nervous System dial on a Full Scan, and in other points like the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, the Governing Vessel, and the Adrenal glands, which are part of the Endocrine System.

High stress levels can affect hormone balance and fertility. Stress can come from toxins, microbes, negative thoughts, past experiences, nutritional imbalances and even a busy environment.

Third, maintain a healthy weight. Being underweight or overweight can affect fertility. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Fourth, limit exposure to harmful substances. This includes alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and environmental toxins. Your liver has a big job to do, in detoxifying your body, managing blood sugar, helping activate thyroid hormones and supporting digestion. The consumption of tobacco products and alcohol stress your liver. These toxins can even change the way you process caffeine!

If possible, opt for organic foods and natural household and beauty products. This is a great way to support a healthy Endocrine System and hormonal balance.

Expert Opinions: What Do Doctors Say About Fertility Cleanses?

Medical opinions on fertility cleanses vary. Some doctors are skeptical because of the lack of scientific evidence. They argue that the body has its own detoxification system and that a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are sufficient for optimal fertility.

However, some healthcare professionals acknowledge that our modern lifestyle can affect health and fertility. They suggest that while a fertility cleanse is not a cure-all solution, it can complement traditional medical treatments. Most healthcare professionals do not promote restrictive or fad diets for pre conception or overall health!

Starting with basics, like rest, solid nutrition, a targeted supplement routine and making room for relaxation and joy can be a great start to a preconception routine.

Are you following us on Instagram? The post below has some suggestions on dialing in this routine!

Natural Remedies to support fertility CBH Energetics

Deciding whether to do a fertility cleanse is a personal decision.

Take your own unique life experience into consideration and weigh the potential benefits and downsides, your percieved toxin exposure and think about how you might want to start. While a fertility cleanse may not be a magic bullet, it could be a part of a holistic approach to enhancing fertility.

Remember, every person’s fertility journey is unique. What matters most is finding the approach that feels right for you. If you think CBH Energetics is an approach you want to take, think about our scan options, like the Prenatal Scan, or a Wellness Package, since starting at least three months out in your detox would be ideal.

Are you interested in learning more about holistic approaches to health and wellness?  Join us on Instagram for weekly tips, and topics related to bioenergetic testing, nutrition, wellness lifestyle and detoxification for both practitioners and clients!
