Jane Doe – Balancing Scan

Balancing Scan Jane Doe – Balancing - October 25, 2020


These nutritional imbalances resonate within 5 different nutritional categories. Understanding nutritional deficiencies is critical as deficiencies can create stress within certain organs and functions of the body.  Below each category you’ll find the specific nutrients that are low, along with foods that are potent in that nutrient. If you consume a lot of these foods this tells us:  the body is not absorbing those nutrients, certain resonating toxins are stealing those nutrients, or certain stressors in the body are burning through that specific nutrient. For example, someone with a stressed nervous system might burn through B vitamins quickly.

**certain enzymes can represent a difficulty breaking some foods down (Lipase- breaks down fats, Amylase- breaks down carbohydrates, Protease- breaks down proteins, Lactase- breaks down dairy)

Energetic Nutritional Imbalances

You were scanned for enzyme, fatty acid, vitamin, mineral, and amino acid imbalances. Below are a list of those nutrients that are bioenergetically low.

Amino Acids


food sources include eggs, fish, meat


sources include whole grains, brown rice, oats

Glutamic Acid

sources include chicken, fish, eggs, meat



this enzyme is produced in the stomach lining


dietary sources include raw fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, raw nuts, whole grains, and legumes


food sources include pineapple

Fatty Acids


sources include salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, seaweed


sources of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is grass fed beef and dairy products

Alpha-linolenic acid

sources include flaxseed, walnuts, pecans, yogurt



sources include dill, fish, olives, meat, radishes, snap beans, whole grains


sources include meats, whole grains, brazil nuts, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, brown rice, chicken, dulse, kelp, liver, molasses, salmon, seafood, vegetables, cayenne, chamomile, fennel seed, parsley, peppermint


sources include apples, apricots, bananas, blackstrap molasses, brewer’s yeast, brown rice, cantaloupe, dulse, figs, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, kelp, lemons, lima beans, millet, nuts, peaches, black-eye peas, salmon, sesame seeds, watercress, whole grains, cayenne, chamomile, paprika, peppermint, sage


Vitamin D

sources include fish oil, eggs, sunshine


sources include egg yolks, legumes, meat, whole-grains

Here you will find various resonating toxins. We scan six different categories of toxins. When describing toxins and other imbalances, we like to use the analogy of an onion. We are able to analyze what is at the outermost layer of your “onion”. By peeling back the layers, we are able to get closer to the center where we find optimum wellness. As we work towards the center of the onion, new layers may be exposed which may include new sensitivities, resonating toxins, and general imbalances to other systems.

Energetic Toxins

You were scanned against resonating heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites, and chemicals. Below are those that were found, energetic in nature, which simply means there was a match to the bioenergetic pattern of that category. These are resonating toxins, meaning an energetic exposure to that toxin pattern. Please do not interpret this as a diagnosis or as medical advice.


A resonating bacteria that is produced in the human body.

A resonating bacteria often transmitted by ticks, fleas, or mosquitos.

A resonating bacteria often transmitted from person to person, or through droplets in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

A resonating bacteria commonly found in soil, water, organic matter, plants, and food products.


A resonating chemical that may be found in everyday items such as food and supplements, materials for constructing, fabrics, detergents, plastics, cosmetics, and fragrances.

A resonating chemical commonly found in various industrial applications.


A resonating Heavy Metal used in coinage, jewelry, or food packaging materials.

A resonating Heavy Metal used in various implants, dental work, or water impurities.

A resonating Heavy Metal used in various structural materials.


A resonating mycotoxin that is produced by some species of molds, typically found on crops. It is typically transmitted through inhalation.

A resonating Mold/Fungi that grows in plant debris, soil, and decaying wood.

A resonating Mold/Fungi produced by mushrooms.

A resonating Mold/Fungi that is used in food production or can cause food to rot.


A resonating parasite often transmitted through the consumption of a contaminated food or beverage.

A resonating parasite commonly found in soil or water.

A resonating parasite often transmitted by ticks, mosquitos, or other type of insect.


A resonating virus often transmitted by ticks, mosquitoes, and other biting insects.

A resonating virus often transmitted through close personal contact such as shaking hands, coughing, sneezing, or touching objects that may have been touched previously by an infected individual.

This section identifies hormonal imbalances. Often times hormones will come back into balance as the rest of the body aligns.  Many times we relate hormonal imbalances to stress in the endocrine system, resonating toxins, and nutritional imbalances.  Each hormone listed includes a description and indicates if it is high or low.

Energetic Hormonal Imbalances

You were scanned to find resonating hormonal imbalances those hormones detected are listed below.


Low Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide

a peptide present in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. One of its principle actions is to inhibit gastric function including gastric acid secretion. It is also present in nerve fibers of the female genital tract.

High Follicle Stimulating Hormone

A hormone produced by the anterior pituitary. It stimulates ovarian follicle growth, estrogen secretion, and spermatogenesis in the testes.

Low Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone

The major hypothalamic mediator of thyroid-stimulating hormone.


There is some work to do with fortifying some systems. The regimen below was synergistically tested for balance.


  • Please make note of the specific dosages listed within the remedy description below.  It is ideal to start slow and work your way up to the full dose listed.


***Some remedies may not be available for international shipping***


It would be ideal to have your hair and saliva samples scanned again to check your progress in roughly 4 to 6 weeks. 


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product and service is strictly for educational purposes and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These services are designed for educational purposes only and are not intended to serve as medical advice. 


Up until this point, we’ve been analyzing the current state of energetic stressors. This section will identify remedies to bring these stresses back into balance. When scanning for balancing remedies, your samples were scanned against thousands of potential remedies including herbs, homeopathics, and nutritional supplements. We take scanning a step further by making sure the full combination of  remedies synergistically test well against your hair and saliva.

Balancing Remedies

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Up until this point, we’ve been analyzing the current state of energetic stressors. This section will identify remedies to bring these stresses back into balance. When scanning for balancing remedies, your samples were scanned against thousands of potential remedies including herbs, homeopathics, and nutritional supplements. We take scanning a step further by making sure the full combination of  remedies synergistically test well against your hair and saliva.


Arjuna Intrinsic

  • Standard Dose:  25 drops in warm water two times per day
  • Under 120 lb Dose:  Divide weight by 6 and that is how many drops two times per day in warm water
Tradtionally Supports:  Heart Palpitations, Blood Pressure Issues, Blood Issues, Heart Issues, Supports Blood Vessel Relaxation, Heart Tonic for Smokers (Tobacco Heart). Ingredients:  Arjuna bark (Terminalia arjuna), Cactus (Cactus grandiflora), Coleus Forskohlii (Plectranthus barbatus), hawthorn (Crategus laevigata), Khella seed (Ammi visnaga), Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum), Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca), Distilled water, Kosher glycerine from palm/or coconut oil 10%, Organic cane alcohol 20% (2 oz)  

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Solidago Intrinsic

  • Standard Dose:  25 drops in warm water two times per day
  • Under 120 lb Dose:  Divide weight by 6 and that is how many drops two times per day in warm water
Traditionally Supports:  Kidney Decongestant, Repair, and Support, Bladder Issues, Diuretic, Joint Issues, Helps Kidney Concentrate Urine (BTA), Supports Heavy Metal Detoxification Programs Ingredients:  Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) 5 mg, Bearberry (Uva ursi) 25 mg, Buchu (Barosma betulina) 5 mg, Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) 5 mg, Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) 50 mg, Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) 25 mg, Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) 5 mg, Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) 100 mg, Stinging Nettles (Urtica Dioica) 25 mg, Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) 5 mg, Distilled water, Kosher glycerine from palm/or coconut oil 10%, Organic cane alcohol 20% (2 oz)

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Condurango Intrinsic

  • Standard Dose:  25 drops in warm water two times per day
  • Under 120 lb Dose:  Divide weight by 6 and that is how many drops two times per day in warm water
Traditonally Supports:  Passive Leaky Gut, Lymphatic Drainage, Digestive Issues, Skin Support, Immune Support, and Promotes Rebuilding of Mucosal Lining. Ingredients:  Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum), Condurango (Gonolobus condurango), Elderberry (Sambucus nigria), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), Gentian (Gentiana lutea), Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Senna (Cassia angustifolia), Distilled water, Kosher glycerine from palm/or coconut oil 10%, Organic cane alcohol 20% (2 oz)  

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Liver Drainage

  • 20 minutes away from food and mint:  10 drops under the tongue, 2 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.
Homeopathic Indications: Liver Drainage is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to the cleansing and detoxifying of the liver, such as poor digestion, irregularity, and low energy levels. Ingredients: Chelidonium Maj (1X) Carduus Mar (2X) Schisandra chinensis (2X) Taraxacum (2X) Berberis Vulg (3X) Neopicrorhiza Scrophulariiflora (3X) Raphanus (3X) Viscum (3X) Chromium Gluconate (6X) Cobalt Gluconate (6X) Copper Gluconate (6X) Magnesium Gluconate (6X) Nat Sulphuricum (6X) Ptelea (6X) Sarcolacticum Ac (6X) Sulphur Iod (6X) Carbolicum Ac (8X) Cichorium Int, Flos (8X) Gallbladder (8X) Hepar Suis (8X) Nux Vom (8X) Pancreas (8X) Vanadium (8X) Verbena, Flos (8X)

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Drainage Milieu

  • Standard Dose:  25 drops two times per day, 20 minutes away from food and mint
  • Under 120 lb Dose:  Divide weight by 5 and that is how many drops two times per day, 20 minutes away from food and mint
Traditionally Supports:  Drains Mesenchyme, Spleen, Thymus & Lymphatic Drainage, Immune Support, Channel Opener, Toxin Drainer. Ingredients:  Calcarea Iodatum 6X, 12X, 30X, Capsicum Annuum 3X, Echinacea Angustifolia 1X, 3X, Germanium Sesquioxide 3X, Lymph 3X, 6X, 30CH, Nitricum Acidum 12X, Phytolacca Decandra 3X, Scrophularia Nodosa 3X, 6X, 12X, Shark Cartilage 5X, Spleen 3X, 6X, 12X, Sulphur Iodatum 12X, Thuja Occidentalis 3X, Thymus 3X, 6X, 12X, Trifolium Pratense 1X, 3X, Crab Apple 30CH, Oak 30CH, Olive 30CH, Pine 30CH, Hornbeam 30CH, Distilled water, Kosher glycerine from palm/or coconut oil 12%, Organic cane alcohol 20% (2 oz)  

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Relax Milieu

  • Standard Dose:  25 drops two times per day, 20 minutes away from food and mint
  • Under 120 lb Dose:  Divide weight by 5 and that is how many drops two times per day, 20 minutes away from food and mint
Traditionally Supports:  Anxiety, Depression, Nervousness, Hyperactivity, Poor attention span. Ingredients:  Calcarea Carbonica 12X, Coffea cruda 12X, Humulus Lupulus 1X, 3X, Ignatia Amara 12X, Kali Phosphoricum 12X, 30CH, Moschus 12X, Nux Vomica 12X, Passiflora Incarnata 1X, 3X, Phosphatidyl Choline 6X, Phosphorus 6X, Pulsatilla Nigricans 12X, Staphysagria 12X, Valeriana Officinalis 1X, 3X, Star of Bethlehem 200CH, Distilled water, Kosher glycerine from palm/or coconut oil 12%, Organic cane alcohol 20% (2 oz)  

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Thymus LF

  • Standard Dose:  One capsule two times per day
  • Under 120 lb Dose:  Ask Health Practitioner
Traditionally Supports:  Immunomodulatory, Maintain NK cell activity, Induces Th-1 support, Anti-viral, T-cell support, Candida/yeast Issues, Supports natural synthesis of cytokines, Assists in production of thymulin, Lymphatic support, Sinus Issues, Respiratory Issues, Toxin inhibition , Sensitivities. Ingredients:  Rice bran sterol/sterolin 30 mg, Thymus Tissue 250 mg, Spleen Tissue 50 mg, Lymph Tissue 50 mg, Astragalus 100 mg, Monolaurin (Lauric acid coconut) 200 mg, Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata) leaves) 100 mg, Zinc citrate 25 mg, Maitake mushroom 25 mg, Shiitake mushroom 25 mg, Reishi mushroom 25 mg (60 caps)  

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Wild Bear Garlic

  • Standard Dose:  One capsule two times per day
  • Under 120 lb Dose:  Ask Health Practitioner
Traditionally Supports: Heavy Metal Detoxification, Connective Tissue Clarification, Hypertension, Joint Issues, Natural “Antibiotic", Anti-fungal / Anti-mycotoxin, Cardio-protective, Parasites, Pathogens Ingredients:  Wild Bear Garlic (Allium ursinium) 500 mg (90 caps)  

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Consults are available with our compassionate practitioners to truly maximize the information detailed throughout the Balance Scan. Not only will they be able to help you understand and talk through the entirety of the results, but they will also help you determine tailored resources that can be beneficial in balancing this stress.

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DISCLAIMER: Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics and any parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related entities and companies do not provide medical advice or services. The bioenergetic products and services offered by Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics including, but not limited to, bioenergetic tests, bioenergetic scans, bioenergetic reports and related products and services (collectively the “Bioenergetic Products and Services”) are designed for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, condition, complaint, illness or medical condition and are not a substitute for professional services or medical advice. Testing is not used for the purpose of obtaining information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of disease or the assessment of a health condition or for identification purposes. Seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other government agencies or regulatory authorities. Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics is not responsible for third-party interpretation, recommendation or advice or for any third-party interpreting or providing recommendations or advice related to Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics or Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics Bioenergetic Products and Services. Balanced Health, LLC/CBH Energetics does not recommend, endorse or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any specific tests, products, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, or health care providers.

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