One-on-One Bioenergetic Consultations

Get more out of your bioresonance scanning through our one-on-one consultations with one of our expert bioenergetic practitioners. Each practitioner is trained in functional nutrition and holistic health, including behavior coaching, herbalism, toxins and their impacts, and more. You can learn more about how to counteract imbalances in your body systems with specific lifestyle changes and natural, holistic remedies. Choose from 30 to 90-minute sessions, or purchase a homeopathic consultation bundle for multiple sessions at a discounted price.

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Access Exclusive Herbal Remedies as a Member

CBH Energetics members get exclusive access to a range of holistic, therapeutic remedies designed to target the specific imbalances identified in our energetic scans. Due to their potency, these high-quality, therapeutic-grade remedies are only available to clients who completed a scan and have their results. These remedies are available only through CBH Energetics and our affiliates to help our clients address their specific system needs and make a positive impact on their wellness.

Becoming a client is easy! Simply order one of our homeopathic tests, and you’ll automatically be signed up once you receive your results. From there, sign in to your account, and you’ll be connected with the available remedies to meet your specific bioenergetic needs.

Take Back Your Wellness with CBH Energetics

If you struggle with chronic pain, discomfort, sleeplessness, or other wellness issues, our practitioners, and many of our staff members, can relate! We’ve been given symptom solutions, when we want to understand the potential reasons behind the symptoms.

At CBH Energetics, we’re committed to helping you identify the resonating root of your wellness issues, addressing areas like hormonal and nutritional imbalances, resonating toxins, and other root stressors. Our bioresonance scanning is non-invasive and comprehensive, so you can get the answers you deserve about your bioenergetic health.

Discover more about our system scans, holistic remedies, and growing list of affiliate practitioners today.

Join Our Affiliate Network of Holistic Health Practitioners!

Connect with other holistic health professionals as part of the CBH Energetics holistic health affiliate program. Members get bulk discounts on scans and private label options on all bioresonance scans. Other benefits include:

  • Consultation on evaluating test results
  • Complimentary marketing materials
  • Access to our private practitioner Facebook group
  • Regular webinars
  • And more!

CBH Energetics affiliates report improved client engagement, increased reach, and better outcomes for their clients’ thanks to affiliates’ exclusive access to our scans, tests, and educational materials. Find out about becoming an affiliate and join our network today!

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