- 20 minutes away from food and mint: 10 drops under the tongue, 2 times a day or as directed by a health professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.
BART:HOMO is for the temporary relief of symptoms of Lyme disease including slight fever, headache, chills, backache, and malaise. Ingredients: Bartonella Bacilliformis (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X) Bartonella Clarridgeiae (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X) Bartonella Elizabethae (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X) Bartonella Henselae (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X) Bartonella Quintana (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X) Bartonella Vinsonii (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X) Bartonella Washoensis (15X 20X 30X 60X 90X 120X 150X 200X 500X 1000X), Demineralized water, and 25% Ethanol.