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Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit temporarily relieves symptoms related to blockage of drainage pathways in the body. This kit includes 6 bottles of:
Detox I
Homeopathic Indications: Detox I is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, fatigue, and stomach upset. Please see single formula ingredients listed on website.
Detox II
Homeopathic Indications: Detox II is for the temporary relief of symptoms relating to headaches, fatigue, and mood issues. Please see single formula ingredients listed on website.
Detox III
Homeopathic Indications: Detox III is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to improper breakdown and excretion of allergenic substances, including pain, fatigue, cramping, and upper respiratory allergy. Please see single formula ingredients listed on website.
Homeopathic Indications: CerebroMax is for the temporary relief of symptoms relating to sleep, memory, and emotional issues. Please see single formula ingredients listed on website.
Homeopathic Indications: SpinalMax is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to spine issues including spasm, pain, anxiety, nervousness, and the inability to hold chiropractic spinal adjustments. Please see single formula ingredients listed on website.
Matrix Support
Homeopathic Indications: Matrix Support is for the temporary relief of symptoms such as occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, headaches, gas, congestion, irritated eyes, and indigestion. Please see single formula ingredients listed on website.
Ingredients include: Demineralized water, and 25% Ethanol.